At the TU Eindhoven (Vertigo building, Trappenzaal) on Thursday, October 21 at 17h30 for a conversation took place between Niels Groeneveld (Werkstatt/Archiprix), Ziega van den Berk (Archiprix), and Lola Căuneac (TU/e) as they critically reflect on what it means to be an architect, and how relevant the profession will be in—and for—the future. The discussion has been recorded and can be viewed on the CASA Vertigo youtube channel.
As each Archiprix project provides glimpses to alternative futures (and, sometimes, alternative pasts) in imaginative and original ways, not only are societal and social conditions constantly questioned, but also the role of the architect, urban designer and landscape architect as crucial actors for addressing these pressing issues is continuously reinforced. A question which is also explicitly addressed in the Archined project The Persistence of Questioning. Critical reflections for the future, on architecture and more.
As Archiprix 2021 is being presented at TU Eindhoven, CASA Vertigo, Archiprix and Archined invite you to an open conversation about the various directions that the architecture profession could and should take in the near future by setting the stage for a conversation among three fledgling designers at different stages of their professional development and with distinctive approaches to architecture and the profession: a partner at an emerging office focused on sustainable architecture, an Archiprix winner interested in a multi-species built environment, and an architecture student intent on revealing architecture’s intellectual project.